Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How far I've come!

When I first signed up for the Learning through Technology class I was very apprehensive about it. The main reason was that I thought it was going to be another one of those here is a computer and all of its parts and here are word, powerpoint, and excel. Boy, was I TOTALLY wrong! This class was amazing and I am so excited to be able to actually use things that I have learned in one of my grad classes in my own classroom. Often times we sit in our classes and listen to all of these great theories and then when we try to implement them we realize that there is no way to actually use it. But I feel that I will be able to use tons of the things that I learned in this tech class. I feel like I learned at least one new thing every week. I actually found myself going home and fiddling with the applications we had learned about that night.
So as some of you know I am going to be teaching a new class this year...Space Science Honors level! I am really excited to start this because teaching this class is really enjoyable. The kids love this class because they have not been exposed to it very much and they love learning about space. But this time around I get to kick it up a notch! I was recently approved to make the class tech rich. I will have a mobile cart in my classroom with 25 MacBooks, full wireless internet and a printer. Throughout the term the students will be doing many of the things that I had to do this summer in my Tech class. This will include making their own websites with Google sites, sharing documents electronically, creating a blog site of their own to reflect on the things we will do in class, Twitter, Voice Thread, interactive whiteboards (hopefully if I can get it to work tonight!), WebQuests, Wordle, website evaluation, podcasts (listening to and perhaps making them), and Wikis. My hope is to be able to integrate technology into the content without taking away from the meat of the class. I want them to be able to use these programs/applications and learn space science at the same time. Ideally, this will be successful but as most teachers know things don't always work out the way we want them to. But I figured I would give it a try!

To Dave and the Ladies of EDU 533 thank you for making this such a great class! I hope to keep in touch with you all as you delve into the world of education! Best of luck on your future endeavors and remember...if we based teaching on the first year we would only have first year teachers! It does get easier...I promise!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why PLN?

Why have I decided to delve into the world of PLN's? At first I had my doubts about this...but after using the many applications I have found that I am pretty interested in it. It is addicting actually! I have joined a few of the Ning sites such as Classroom 2.0. There are always lots of great links to websites, or discussion boards or one on one conversations with others that are linked in to the site. I use Facebook, but strictly as a personal PLN. I also use Twitter and this is mostly for professional purposes. I have taken part in a few webinars to better my knowledge of various uses of technology integration for the classroom.

PLN's can be quite helpful in the professional world! I am still very new to this world, but I have found so many useful things! I enjoy skype-ing with friends and with professionals. I have found lots of different teacher's websites through TeacherWeb on Twitter. It picks a website that belongs to a teacher a day that they feel are good models. This has been really nice to help me try to improve my site.

I can see how this would be a difficult thing for people just starting out as teachers. If you don't know what to look for it would be hard to know where to begin. After having taught for 7 years I know what I am looking for in my content area but I am still, at times, unsure what to look in the technology front.

I have had the luxury of being able to take the summer off and have really enjoyed looking into the various technologies that we have learned about in class. I wonder how much time I will be able to devote to it during the hustle and bustle of the school year.